Printing scorecards is an important step when setting up a round of golf. Most scorecards feature yardage, handicap and par information for each hole alongside an illustration of the hole layout. A map of the entire course is located in every scorecard to assist golfers in navigating and planning their shots, along with the rules and contact information.


But not only do the scorecards need to have the correct information that suits the needs of the golf course, but they also need to be presentable and visually appealing.

Advertisers featured on scorecards get constant attention from players not only during their round of golf, but also after the game, since these cards are usually taken back to the home or office for further review. During this time, golfers interact with the scorecard and become very familiar with the businesses featured on it.

The average golf course turns 20,000 rounds of golf per year. The average golfer looks at a scorecard twenty times during a round of golf.

Golf Field and Scorecard

A large percentage of golfers are business owners or prominent decision-makers for businesses and 75% of them either recommend, order or approve of products or services for their business. Many of these golfers also play 4-5 rounds throughout the year. If you advertise on golf scorecards, you can put your business directly in front of this audience.